Some of the most common issues that our
West Long Branch dentist, Dr. Marc Berley, sees in his patients can be resolved with the use of a dental restoration, such as a dental filling or a crown. If you have a tooth that is severely decayed, cracked, broken, or in need of repair in any way, you should schedule an appointment with our west Long Branch dentist. We can relieve you of your painful symptoms, and restore your damaged tooth so that it is fully functional and looks great at the same time. Dr. Berley may suggest a dental filling or a dental crown depending on the current state of your damaged tooth. Dental fillings are often used to mend issues relating to tooth decay, such as dental cavities. We like to use tooth-colored resin fillings that are especially cured to match the color of your teeth whenever possible. If you already have traditional amalgram fillings that stand out in your smile because of their silver color, you should discuss the options with Dr. Berley – we may be able to replace your unsightly silver fillings with our discreet, tooth-colored resin fillings as well. Dental fillings may also be used for cracked or broken teeth depending on the individual situation.
Dental Decay West Long Branch
Crowns are other dental devices that are commonly used in tooth restorations by our
West Long Branch dentist. Crowns can be used to cap dental work that needs protection and to be more secured in order to function, such as finishing off a root canal treatment. Crowns are also often used in the dental implant restoration process. A small metal piece is implanted into the jawbone that eventually integrates with the rest of the bone, and then a dental crown is attached to give the replacement tooth the functionality and look of a natural tooth. Fillings and crowns are only some of the procedures that we offer with the goal of tooth restoration involved.
To learn more about tooth restorations and the other various services provided by Dr. Berley, we encourage you to browse through our
West Long Branch dentist website and to reach out to us if you have any specific questions or concerns that we can help you with. You can get in touch with us by telephone during our regular office hours, or you can also send us a message online using the Contact Us form located on our website.