Dental Office in Ocean NJ

Dental Implants in Newark NJ

September 25, 2017

Dental implants versus dentures in Newark NJ

Dental implants in Newark NJ

Losing teeth can be a difficult thing. Usually, dental issues like decay and disease lead to tooth loss eventually. Either teeth need to be taken out or teeth fall out because they become weak and unhealthy. In other cases, teeth may be lost or damaged due to injury and are either dislodged or need to be extracted if they are beyond repair. In either scenario, lost teeth need to be replaced in order to fully restore dental health. Here at the dental office of Marc Berley, DMD you can learn more about options like dentures and dental implants in Newark NJ and how they can help to improve your health and restore your smile.

Replacing lost teeth is more than just about restoring the appearance of your smile. Sure, losing teeth will leave your smile lacking and it can leave your face looking gaunt and hollow as a result. But living with missing teeth can actually be quite damaging to your dental health beyond what caused your initial tooth loss. If you have an uneven bite or missing teeth, you may suffer from excess strain and stress, which can also affect any remaining teeth you have. If you do have remaining teeth, then you may end up experiencing issues with them shifting in place and causing even more dental trauma. That is why you should consider dentures or dental implants in Newark NJ as soon as you can. Here with Marc Berley, DMD, you can learn about dentures versus dental implants and how each options weighs up. Dentures are a staple option, and they can easily be removed when needed or desired. Dental implants are fixed and firmer, but they can also look and feel more realistic.

In some cases, certain patients may not be able to even consider implants because their jawbone cannot support the implant posts, but in other cases implant surgery may be preferable for those who are able to undergo the procedure. To learn more about both options and to find out what you qualify for, call us today to schedule an appointment with Marc Berley, DMD to learn more about dentures and dental implants in Newark NJ.

1205 HWY 35 N
Ocean, NJ 07712
(732) 531-8020

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