Newark Dentist
Taking care of your health is something that you can do every day. Aside from eating well and getting regular checkups, there are plenty of life choices that you make on a constant basis that affect your health as well. These types of choices can be especially important for people who have diabetes. Diabetes can affect many areas of a person’s health, and it can also put them at risk for disease and infection. With the help of our
Newark dentist, Marc Berley, DMD, you can get comprehensive dental care, including specialized diabetes care.
Diabetes is a serious blood disorder that can put people at risk for a number of different conditions, diseases, infections, and other health related complications. If diabetic symptoms are controlled, these issues are less likely to occur, but they are still more likely to happen and can cause additional complications if they do. People with diabetes should see a variety of different specialists that can help them control symptoms and look out for any conditions that they may be likely to develop. People with diabetes are at a greater risk for things like gum disease or bone infections in regards to their dental health. Soreness, ulcers, and tooth decay are also more likely to develop in patients with diabetes. In general, people of all ages should see a dentist twice a year, but sticking to twice-a-year rule is very important for people with diabetes. With our
Newark dentist, Marc Berley, DMD, you can receive comprehensive dental care and learn more about how diabetes can affect your teeth and gums.
If you have diabetes, you should know what health risks it can pose. For more information on how diabetes can affect your dental health, call us here at the offices of Marc Berley, DMD to set up a visit with our
Newark dentist today.
Marc Berley, DMD
1205 HWY 35 N
Ocean, NJ 07712
(732) 531-8020